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  • CAF Picks Congolese Referee For Nigeria,Guinea Match

    Reporter: Footyalert
    Published: Wednesday, 18 February 2015
    A- A+
    The Golden Eaglets would for the second time at the 11th African U-17
    Championship in Niger have the benefit of wearing the country's home gear against Guinea on Wednesday.
    CAF Picks Congolese Referee For Nigeria,Guinea Match

    The Eaglets began their campaign at Niger 2015 on Sunday against Niger in the traditional green jerseys and the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has again approved same for the match against Guinea while the goalkeepers would wear complete blue colours. On the other hand, Guinean players would spot red shirt, yellow short and white socks.
    The match which will kick off at 4:00pm Nigerian time at the Stade Général Seyni Kountché (SGSK) would be handled by Ndala Jean-Jacques Ngambo from the Congo Democratic Republic. Ngambo, who was born in 1987, has been an international referee since 2013 and he has horned his skill in major African competitions including the CAF Champions League.

    To serve as referee assistants are the duo of Arsénio Chadreque Marengula from Mozambique and Senegalese Serigne Cheikh Toure who was equally on duty on Sunday when Nigeria beat Niger. Lazard Tsiba Kamba from Congo is the fourth and reserved referee while Ngenzi Raul Gisanura would be the match commissioner.


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