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  • Siasia: My Team Is Work In Progress

    Reporter: Footyalert
    Published: Monday, 23 February 2015
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    Head Coach of the U-23 National Team, Samson Siasia has said though his team won 4-1 against Gabon on Saturday, the squad is still work in progress as he is still trying to get the right players for the each position.
    Siasia: My Team Is Work In Progress

    Commending the boys for putting up a brave show in their first competitive game, the former Super Eagles gaffer added that many of the boys were playing big time football for the first time, and that hopefully as they play together they will bond well.
    "Having in mind that this team has been together for barely three months, Nigerians should appreciate what these boys did today. I am really impressed with all of them, they played as a team, meaning that all the hard work we put them through in the past three months has not been in vain."


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