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  • Zikiye Takes Blame For Dolphins Loss In Malabo

    Reporter: Footyalert
    Published: Tuesday, 17 February 2015
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    Dolphins left full back, Jonathan Zikiye has admitted he must share in the blame for the goal in Malabo that cost his side a 1-0 defeat to Leones Vegetarianos in the CAF Confederation Cup.

    Dolphins lost through a 57th minute goal conceded when the defence went ball watching and Zikiye says it all started from his position.
    Zikiye Takes Blame For Dolphins Loss In Malabo

    “It’s true. That goal was scored after a little slip from our part as defenders and it started from my side,” Zikiye said.
    “It was a moment of loss of concentration but in every football match there are bound to be mistakes but the important thing is for us to learn from these mistakes.

    “We are working hard for the second leg and we believe we will be able to turn it around,” Zikiye enthused.

    It was Jonathan Zikiye’s first ever game on the continent and he spoke on what the experience was like.

    “It was a good experience even though we lost the game. We went there to win but we lost. 

    IT was a good experience and we hope to turn it around when they come to Nigeria.”said Zikiye 


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