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  • Like Marriage Like Football (Part3)

    Reporter: Footyalert
    Published: Monday, 23 February 2015
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    Remember last time we started with ‘scouting’ and today we’re going to wrap it up. Enjoy the read:

    Back in the university I liked a girl so much that I will take time out to watch her smile from a distance and when I finally decided to make my move, I discovered she had a very close friend – wasn’t really sure if she was pretty? All I knew was that she’s a little taller than Aki and Pawpaw and looked like Taribo West’s daughter – you know the ex-Nigerian International is a handsome dude.
    Like Marriage Like Football (Part3)

    Annoyingly, this friend of my potential girl denied me space and time like a Paolo Maldini would do to Ronaldo de Lima and all I could do was admire from afar and to massage the friend’s ego I begged her to help me out but the rest is history now because I didn’t get her.
    Now, I look back and say maybe if I had done a little more scouting on her; perhaps know her free times (of course without her friend), research a little more on the places she visits, her favourite restaurant for lunch, even the type of music or movie she likes maybe I could’ve had her as a wife by now.

    So proper scouting is essential in a club’s bid to sign a player or in a guy desire for quality relationship that may eventually lead into marriage.

    In football, the big clubs (Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Juventus, Bayern Munich, Dortmund, Paris Saint German, etc.) gets the most talented players so too in a relationship the rich guys gets the beautiful girls but there are exceptions where smaller clubs get amazing talents like Harry Kane with Tottenham, Aletico Madrid with Koke, Inter Milan with Mauro Icardi and Aston Villa with Christain Benteke, so too the smart guys can get the prettiest girls.

    In relationships, a lot of things go through the mind of a lady before accepting or rejecting a proposal, her welfare, the guy’s personality, religion, culture, and sexual capacity, so also a player considers the new clubs philosophy, culture, welfare, and adaptability before moving.

    This takes us to our next phase the ‘TRANSFER WINDOW.’ Join me next time as we continue to explore the awesome similarities between marriage and football. Thanks to those who sent me emails (, I will reply to all accordingly.  


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