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  • NFF: Emergency Congress Valid

    Reporter: 9jafootyalert
    Published: Monday, 7 July 2014
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    The Nigeria Football Federation on Sunday reiterated that the Emergency Congress of the Federation which took place in Abuja on Saturday fulfilled the statutory requirements for holding an Emergency Congress.

    “We have come across a nebulous report circulating in the social media and such clime that only three State FA Chairmen attended the Congress. This is not only laughable but preposterous.

    “Thirty –one of the 44
    members of the NFF were physically present, and were all fully involved in the deliberations and the decisions,” Chief Effiong Johnson, the former Chairman of Chairmen, said in Abuja.

    Johnson blasted the fictitious report that spectacularly claimed that those who were opposed to the Emergency Congress did not want their names in print.

    “That means they do not exist. They should simply keep quiet and show respect to the esteemed Members of the NFF Congress.”


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